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Life isn't stressless, but I can help you stress less.

If you feel overwhelmed, like your to-do list is a mile long, like you’re anxious and stressed out… I get you, girl. I’ve been there, I’ve lived it, and I occasionally still do. But I also know that with the right tools, strategies and mindset, you can reconstruct your relationship with stress.

I’m Victoria Smith and before the age of 30 I had shingles twice.

*this is where you wave and say “Hi Victoria” to the screen*

I don’t think I’m unlike most professional women out there. We try and juggle it all and we’re holding ourselves to impossible standards.

I’m sick of it.


Not only have I experienced shingles twice, but I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety(postpartum with Baby #1, prenatal with Baby #2, and your run of the mill depression to boot!), worked a crazy 60 hour a week corporate job, am an adult child of divorce and oh I’m also just living my life.

And I’m NOT special. I don’t tell you all this to make you feel sorry for me, I tell you this because we are the same.

Here’s the good news…

The good news is that through counselling, coaching and a lot of personal development work, I’m on the other side of this.

What exactly does that look like? Being on “the other side”?

That means that now when I go through stressful situations, I bounce back FAST. It means that my resiliency muscles are ripped (because my abs sure as heck are not)! It means that I’ve developed the skills, the systems and the supports in my life so that I genuinely believe that most days are good days. There are very few outliers.

Remember when I said I’m not special? I’m not, because YOU can do this as well. You can bounce back faster. You can live a more peaceful life. You can lighten the load of that to-do list. You can actually enjoy your daily life.

If you don’t believe me, I get it. I have many clients who came into our time together skeptical, but they come out the other side revitalized (don’t believe me? check out the testimonials on the home page).

So, here’s what – let’s start small. Let me show you how you can get HOURS of your life back.